
Friday, April 20, 2012

M is for Media

I had a lot of deeply personal things going on this week.. Sick kids just compounded it.

A to Z blogging Challenge.

Topic: M is for Media.

Media is a tool, that can be used both for and against any topic. It all depends on the spin.. soo I thought that I would show some of my favorite gay rights media, you can watch it or not.. up to you completely! :)

this is one of the most powerful videos I've watched, and currently ranks as my favorite.

whether you like it or not, Homosexuality has been around since People have. Its well documented to occur in the animal kingdom. Media is  powerful tool. it can help people, and it can hurt people.  The amount of hate speech (especially by politicians and religious leaders) can really hurt.. there are so many teenage suicides, because we teach our children to hate.. To hate each other, and worse to hate themselves. We need to stop. We need to be more careful what kind of messages we are sending our children. 

1 comment:

  1. great post! I think it's very important to send the message out. hate can really kill.
    Happy A-Zing!
