
Friday, April 20, 2012

Poetry: Done


I don't like to use the word hate, 
but sometimes I hate you so much my throat clogs
with words I want to say but shouldn't
words that if they had power would destroy you. 

You act like you think I live to serve you
That you can walk all over me like dirt 
That I am no better than that after everything
I am not dirt, I am not yours to walk on anymore.

My feelings of guilt over things I couldn't change
Let you walk on me, let you use me in the past.
I never betrayed your trust like you did mine.
My guilty feelings were over things inside myself.

The shame I had is societies shame, no longer mine.
I couldn't make myself feel the way I thought I should.
That doesn't make me less, that makes me human.
That makes me someone who won't take abuse anymore.

But I am done with self-recrimination.
I am done with your lies and subterfuge.
I am finished with the half-life I was living.
I am moving on, better, stronger, and happier than before. 

CarrieAnn Murphy


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