
Sunday, April 22, 2012

S is for Suicide

BACK on TRACK.. FINALLY!! woohoo!! Blogging A to Z.

TOPIC: Suicide.

If you watch the News, there is no doubt you've seen media coverage of LGBTQ teen suicides.  Some newer studies are showing that a LGBTQ teen is 4 times more likely to attempt suicide then their straight counterparts. (I know it seems like I keep going over and over and over this.. but until the world changes. I feel like I have to)  There is an epidemic in this country of Bullying, of teen suicide, and the question is what are YOU, and I going to do about it? Our school system has become a cesspool of hate and bigotry, and the words coming out of these kids mouths are TAUGHT to them by people in their lives.

I've said it again and again, and I will continue to say it. We need to stop teaching our children to HATE. Stop teaching them to hate others, and stop teaching them to hate themselves.

here is a couple of resources..

The Trevor Project  (if YOU or someone you know needs a hand please please please ask for help)

The It Gets Better Project:

GLSEN : the Gay Lesbian and Straight education network

There are many many many organizations and what not out there to help you, to empower you, to get you to understand that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You are perfect the way you are. You are LOVED AND WANTED.  You CAN get through whatever you are going through, and it will get better.

Please don't give a Permanent solution to a Temporary problem.

If you are in MY area, (Mid-Missouri), and in need of help. Please contact me. If I can do nothing else but listen, I'll do it.

my email: (that's my yahoo messenger name too. add me and just put eternal scoreboard in the request)

You can contact me via facebook as well:

There have been to many beautiful lights snuffed out already. One more is too many.

1 comment:

  1. It was my distinct pleasure to be part of a Trevor Project fundraiser a few years back.

    It is one of the more worthy charities I can think to give to.

    I have actually been talking to some of the people I did the fundraiser with then and we wanted to look into doing it all again.

    I am trying to read all the A to Z blogs, but coming back to the ones I really like.

    The Other Side
    The Freedom of Nonbelief
