
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fiction: Someone to Watch Over Me Part 5

Jaxx's life had become a whirlwind of flights between his home in Texas, and his heart in Maryland. He was torn that he couldn't be with Javier full time as he was recovering at Walter Reed, but he still needed to maintain his job and mortgage. They had been pushing the doctor's to release Javi to the Center for the Intrepid. That it was located in San Antonio, the city he lived and worked in was definitely a bonus.

He was bone tired, and having Javi closer would make things a little bit easier. He loved Javier more than his own life, and he would gladly take his pain as his own if he could. Not that Javi would want that. He sighed. These flights gave him too much time to think, and wonder, and worry. Javier scrubbed his hand over his face, and realized, he probably hadn't shaved in a couple days. He shook his head and laughed at himself. He was barely holding everything together.

As he headed down the stark hospital corridor towards the cramped room that housed Javier and the young marine who roomed with him, he heard the familiar lilt of Javier's accented voice, and of others laughing at whatever he'd said. Walking through the doorway, Javier was obviously telling some grand story, with his arms gesturing wildly and his face animated. Jaxx's breath caught in his throat. Javier looked almost back to normal. A little thinner, a short jagged scar marring his forehead near the hairline, but to see him in such high spirits was amazing. At that moment, Javier looked up and caught Jaxx staring at him. He stopped telling his story, and a huge grin washed over his face. "Amor mio, come. I want to introduce you. Jaxx, this is Lance Corporal Danny Jones' parents, Vera, and Sam. Vera and Sam, this is my other half, Ajaxx Papalakis."

Vera and Sam looked like the stereotypical well dressed middle-class couple. Vera was petite and absoultely dwarfed by her much taller husband. . Jaxx was a little surprised to be swept up in Vera's bone-crushing hug, "Well, now, if you aren't just about the prettiest man I ever did see. Why if you had just a little bit more facial hair, you'd look just like Jesus." Jaxx looked up at Javier in amusement, while Javier snorted with barely contained laughter. Sam, broke in, gently prying his wife away from Jaxx. "Now, honey, you don't want to scare the boy." He thrust out his hand and Jaxx, "I'd apologize, but she's right, you do look a lot like um... " He trailed off with pink cheeks.

Jaxx laughed, "Its nice to meet both of you." He made his way over to Javier's bedside and twined his fingers with that of his lover as he dropped a chaste kiss on the other man's lips. He turned back to the older couple, to find Vera with her hand on her heart like she'd just witnessed the most romantic thing. "Oh how precious. Its so nice to see that you boys don't have to hide anymore." Jaxx was a little surprised at the instant acceptance, but was happy that it wouldn't be an issue for them. Both Javier and himself had hid for long enough. "Didn't I tell you, he was handsome, Mrs. Jones?" chimed Javier. Jaxx caught Sam's eye, and they both rolled their eyes.

Sam grabbed Vera's arm, and led her towards the door. "We are headed for lunch while Danny's in physical therapy. You two enjoy your time together." Jaxx watched as some unspoken "thing" passed between the couple and Javier. As soon as the couple cleared the room, the door clicking behind him, Jaxx turned to his lover. "You look good, baby. Did they finally get the infection under control." Jaxx, out of habit began to start assessing Javier, much as he would a patient. Javier's sudden grip on his arm stopped him. "Jaxx. Sit. We must talk. I am not your patient. "  Jaxx backed off, and dropped into the chair next to Javier's bed and waited expectantly.

Javier took a deep breath, and said, "I have something to tell you. They couldn't get the infection under control, and I was so frustrated with being in this damn bed. Early this week they took the leg."

Jaxx felt like his breath had been yanked from his body. Why didn't the doctor tell him, why didn't Javier tell him before now? It took him a minute to register that Javier was still talking, "... My choice to have it cut off. I understand if you don't want to be with someone who will never be..."

Jaxx had heard enough, and he erupted, green eyes flashing, "You would UNDERSTAND!  You would understand if I walked out the damn door because of what? Part of a damn leg? I didn't love the leg, I love you, you idiot! What did you mean it was your choice? "

Javier pulled the other man down for a kiss, carding his hand through his hair and fist in it his hands as he plundered his lovers mouth. They were both breathing harshly when they parted. Javi released Jaxx's hair, and shifted to once again twine their fingers together. "The infection wasn't bad enough that the leg would never heal, but it would never heal right, and I would have pain for the rest of my life. I opted to have it amputated. Its a trans-tib.... below the knee amputation. I'll be able to start being fitted for prosthetics soon. I'll even be able to return to duty if that's what I want."

Jaxx couldn't help but be happy for his lover, even if his heart hurt at the idea of Javier staying in the Army. He knew that Javier was close to having his 20 years in, and having served 10 years himself, he understood wanting to finish his time out, but part of his was pissed off. Hadn't they put their love and their lives on hold for the Army long enough. Hadn't they paid and sacrified enough? Instead of voicing any of that he just pasted on a smile and squeezed Javier's hand.

Grinning, Javier flipped up the left side of his blanket, exposing the gauze covering the stump where his leg had been. Jaxx's eyes filled with tears, and he kissed Javier's hand. "It looks good, not infected. Swollen, but that's expected." Jaxx often reverted to what Javier referred to as "medic mode" whenever the stress of the situation got too much. Javier understood. It was a lot for a family member to take on, and unlike Danny Jones' parents, Jaxx only had himself for support. "Its going to be ok, cariƱo. We'll make it through this together. Good news is that I should be able to move down to Texas soon."

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